Xenergy is a great sugar free line put out by Xyience, or so I've heard. I have had two previous Xenergy drinks, and while Cherry Rush was a very solid drink, the taste of Orange Fuel was a below average piece of shit. Citrus Slam is one I have high hopes for, but citrus drinks can be drove into the ground quite easily. I hope this one exceeds ground level but want be shocked if it doesnt.
Taste: I expected a nice clean citrus but instead ended up with watered down Sprite. The flavor wasnt a total let down, it actually is very refreshing. A slight after taste that isnt to awful bad catches you at the end but isnt really noticeable. I really am impressed with the way it tastes, but wish they had executed a little better citrus taste into the drink. Rating 7 out of 10
Buzz: I really have revised my reviews some and now I have to say this is much stronger than I thought. I find this to be a nice drink for a solid buzz, and in fact has a buzz that could play with the big boys. This has a solid amount of B vitamins and caffeine packed in here and no calories or sugar to boot. Xyience has a good thing going here and you may see them on my Euphoric 10 list for the year. Rating 8 out of 10
Overall Drink Rating 7.5 out of 10
Look: It is a nice clean look, which works nicely with a minimal amount of text a clutter. I like how they made they yellow circle smaller, I dont think it would look right. I could find no caffeine listing, loss of points there. And since I dont feel like typing anymore, I will cut this review short.
Overall Look Rating 7 out of 10
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