I think they could have came up with a better name for this drink. Lighter Spider is just not as good as it could be. This is the sugar free version, and I have the same high hopes as I did for the mother Spider.
Taste: At first I was kinda thinking a crappy orange soda. After a few swigs I realized it was lemonade. Thats not what I had in mind at all. I expected it to be a weak orange soda but it took me by surprise. This drink is lightly carbonated and has a we bit of tang to it. It is a pretty nice lemonade overall.
Rating 6 out of 10
Buzz: 1,370 mgs of energy blend and same amount of vitamins as well. This will be one of my last reviews for a while until some more of my drinks show up. But anyway, this drink is kind of less glorified rip it, solid taste and an average buzz. Rating 5 out of 10
Overall Drink Rating 5.5 out of 10
Look: This one has a yellow spider up top. The same gray faded spider is in the can background. The font is yellow up front and the text says Lighter Spider. The back has nutrition facts and info in silver text. I wish it was in yellow text to so it would be more like the mama Spider. I really love these cans though.
Overall Look Rating 7 out of 10
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