This drink used to be labeled as berry, but then Crunk changed the name to Grape-Acai. I waited to this drink after I had originally planned to, because the first one I had someone mixed it all with Mtn. Dew and tainted it.
Taste: It kinda tastes like the local store brand grape soda when it gets warm, but you still get a little bit of the acai. This drink has a little bit more of a tangy taste than I like in my grape drinks, but that isn't to bad. This drink could have been a bit better though. Rating 6 out of 10
Buzz: Crunk actually works well as a drink to use before physical activity because it gets you pumped. I also found it helpful to follow up the physical activity with a Code Blue. But this drink has the same buzz as the rest with 272 mgs of energy blend. That is the least amount I have had in a drink and still got a decent buzz off of. Rating 7 out of 10
Overall Drink Rating 6.5 out of 10
Look: This can has the the purple up front with the Crunk logo which is outlined in purple. The purple fades out in a citcle pattern and changes to a plum color which I wish they had picked another color for that. Then you have the back which is black and has info and nutrition facts.
Overall Look Rating 7 out of 10
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